Join us sundays at 10:30 AM

Life Together

We aspire to a level of fellowship that will never be fully realized in this life. We understand that people are messy, life is messy, and that fellowship here on earth is hard. But we still move forward in pursuit of the example that Christ left us in how he loved his church and the instructions he gave for us to follow. This is why regroups exist, that we might help one another as we all struggle forward in this journey of knowing and believing the gospel of Christ and all of its beautiful implications. By this we hope to spur one another on in our affections for him and the labor of love and good works that inevitably flow out of a life saturated with the love of God.

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Our Vision for Regroups

Our vision is that regroups would be a place with open doors where we do life together, where we are grounded in truth, prayer, and worship as we work out how the gospel affects and redeems all of our lives, and where we engage with our communities and world from the context of our fellowship.

  1. Open Doors – Colossians 3:11 & Isaiah 57:14

  2. What we mean by this is that everyone is welcome here, whether you’re just checking out Christianity, or have been following Christ for 2 days or 20 years. We want regroups to be an easy place for people to come and meet Jesus, no matter where you’re coming from. Regroups will look different from one another. People within regroups will look different from one another. Here what unites us is Christ, regardless of differences in life stage, background, race, personalities, skills and gifting, etc. 

  3. Life together – Hebrews 10:24-25 & Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

  4. The Bible never specifically commands us to form small groups, but we see all throughout Scripture that we are made to live in community with others. Regroups are the way that we try to believe and live out this truth that it is better to do life together than to be alone. Sometimes this means that we spend time together. Always it means that we walk alongside one another through the mundane, the tragic, and the triumphant.

    Grounded in truth, prayer, and worship –  Acts 2:42-47
  5. We enjoy being together, and at regroups you’ll see a lot of fun being had and food being consumed. But the chief aim of our gathering is not just to hang out, but to worship God and enjoy him forever. Truth in Scripture and prayer are foundational to who we are and what we do as a regroup. 

    Work out the gospel in all of life – Colossians 3:17
  6. Regroups remind us that the gospel is not separate from our daily lives. We need the gospel, not only once, but every day to redeem us through belief, repentance, and the restoration of truth. Regroups are a family where we have the opportunity to do that side by side.

    Engage with our communities and world – 2 Corinthians 5:1-21
  7. Regroups are our springboard. We don’t want people to just land here, but to be pushed out, individually and communally, to make God known and love our neighbors down the street and around the world.