Join us sundays at 10:30 AM

 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." -Acts 1:8



Norman has one of the lowest rates of confessing Christians in the state of Oklahoma. In addition to the University of Oklahoma campus in our backyard, we have a unique opportunity to reach our neighbors. Here are some ways that you can get involved:


Helpful links: 



The US has high numbers of people who consider themselves to be Christian, but, they don't always live it out. There are also large divisions within the Church in our country, but, we are called to be united as a church. How we can participate: 


  • Pray for those that don't know Christ to come to know Him
  • Pray for more churches to be planted in less-reached places
  • Pray for the Church to be united by the Holy Spirit
  • Give to organizations like NAMB, SBC, _______



Jesus commands us to make disciples of ALL nations; there are billions of people in this world that have never heard the name of Jesus. We have the opportunity both to GO and to SEND others to make much of Jesus all around the globe. Here are ways we can participate in the Great Commission on a global scale:

global map

  • Pray daily for the gospel to reach all corners of the world by using resources such as Prayercast, Operation World, or Joshua Project
  • Pray for missionary partners around the world that are faithfully serving Jesus
  • Give to organizations such as the IMB, ____ 
  • Educate yourself on different world religions


“We affirm that the missio Dei is the mission of the triune God to glorify Himself. God does so in this world by redeeming sinful humans and, in the future, restoring corrupted creation. The Father sent the Son to accomplish this redemption and sends the Spirit to apply this redemption to the hearts of men and women. Included in God’s mission is the missio ecclesia whereby He empowers the church for witness and service that leads to witness. Believers are called to share the gospel with people so they can come to know Christ. Moving from God, through the church, to the world, God’s redemptive work results in people of every tribe, tongue and nation responding in lifelong worship of the God. Ultimately the missio Dei will encompass all of creation when God creates a new heaven and new earth.”

-Excerpt from Missional Manifesto